
Supported Projects

Once we get past our 350 item threshold we'll start collecting coin for some of the awesome projects that are being produced here in Toronto.


Ophira The Stalker Experiential Art Car

Ophira is an elk. Influenced by the Ophiocordyceps unilateralis fungal parasite this art car is a 'decaying' creature … the antithesis of the mythical and good-natured art cars.  

Ophira’s ominous presence looms in the darkness. Flaming antlers and the occasional fiery or smoky exhale from her nose call upon guests to join her.  Tattered flesh with reinforced metal panels hold the pulsing infection within her. Her exposed spine and ribcage remind us of her journey from utopia to dystopia. Guests will be invited to ride alongside Ophira by climbing onto her exposed ribcage.

Ophira’s team hopes to unite Toronto’s art car community through shared world building. A cast of bizarre characters will interact with guests. This project is a manifestation of the difficulties and challenges experienced in shared communities, collaborative art projects and burns.

Ophira is the villain every good story needs.

For more information:

